Posada 2024

Over Advent, Mary and Joseph have been travelling with our church family, they were out with Rev Sarah attending school services and a clergy chapter meeting, they accompanied some of the younger members of our church family at their activities, and visited some of our church family at home. They were also with the bell ringers at their practice night and for services. they also helped decorate one of teh chutchyard trees and get the church ready for our Chirstmas Eve Celebrations. They also visited Sharman's of Grantham and were looking at modern alternatives to their donkey, later they were counting their money to see if they could afford an upgrade. They also joined in the carol singing (?!?) at the White Swan Christmas Draw Night.

They will reach the end of their journey at the end of the Christmas Eve 'Birthday Party' service.   

We hope that the Posada journey of Mary and Joseph has been fun, if you took part, and that it helped all of us to keep their journey in our minds during Advent.  Below is a round up of the places they have been.

Page last updated: Tuesday 24th December 2024 10:59 AM
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