
HARLAXTON appears in 
the Domesday Book as HERLAVESTUNE from a Danish or Norse name of HEORLAFS’TON

The ownership of the Manor of Harlaxton can be traced back to Maud (Matilda), the only surviving child of Henry 1st and a grand-daughter of William the Conqueror. In 1126 she granted some of the land in her Lordship of the Soke of Grantham, to William of Tancarville in return for his promise to provide ten knights for military service. Each knight was to receive a parcel of land, and some of these were in Harlaxton.

In 1174 the manor in Harlaxton was held by William de Mortuo Mari (Mortimer). As the first Rector, Alanus, dates from 1185, it can be assumed that Mortimer built the Church between 1174 and 1185. This guide first appeared in 1985 and is thus appearing on approximately the 800th anniversary of the building of the first Church in Harlaxton.

Other families to hold the Manor during these 800 years include the names of Swynford, Ricard, Bluett, de Ligne, Gregory, Sherwin-Gregory and Pearson-Gregory. In more recent years the Manor has been used by Mrs. Van der Elst, The Jesuit Order, Stanford University of California, and at the present time by Evansville University of Indiana.

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Harlaxton History - Acknowledgements


History Booklet - Introduction

Rectors of Harlaxton

Harlaxton History - Rectors of Harlaxton

Registers and Plate

Harlaxton History - Registers and Plate


Harlaxton History - Restoration

Stone Stairway

Church History Booklet - Stone Stairway

The Chancel

Church History Booklet - The Chancel

The Font

Church History Booklet - The Font

The Lady Chapel

Church History Booklet - The Lady Chapel

The Nave

History Booklet - The Nave

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