
Loving and living, sharing and growing

This year during Lent, the West Grantham Group of Villages are reconsidering our prayer life. Prayer is essential to our journey of faith and to help us think again about prayer we are:

  • Encouraging each other by sharing our favourite prayers. Thank you to everyone who contributed prayers for this leaflet. All the prayers have been chosen by members of our seven congregations.

  • Learning something new about prayer through a weekly Prayer Blog. Please contact Rev’d Sarah if you would like to receive the Blog which will go out by email each Sunday in Lent. 

  • Praying in new ways: why not try one of the following prayer activities that take place in our benefice:

    • TaizeĢ Prayer - Harlaxton Church, 3rd Sunday each month 6pm

    • Daily Celtic Prayer - email Rev'd John Bruce for more information

    • Praise and Prayer - join us for singing and interactive prayer on the second Sunday of each month - at the following venues (details are also in the CALENDAR above):

      § 12th March 6pm Harlaxton Church
      § 14th May 6pm St Sebastian’s
      § 11th June 6pm All Saints, Barrowby
      § 9th July 6pm St Catherine’s, Wyville
      § 10th September 6pm St James Woolsthorpe by Belvoir 
      § 8th October 6pm Harlaxton
      § 12th November 6pm St Sebastian, Great Gonerby

"If you believe in prayer at all, expect God to hear you. If you do not expect, you will not have. God will not hear you unless you believe He will hear you; but if you believe He will, He will be as good as your faith."
Charles Spurgeon

Page last updated: Wednesday 29th March 2023 12:38 PM
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